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joey10sl 08-20-2006 08:55 PM

My zoo's.....i have a problem
hello, this is my first post....(the first of many:D)
ever since i had this abnormaly large algae bloom my one zoo colony ceases to open......:(sadsadsad i am not sure what to do...should i make it into several frags and see if then it opens? Should i just wait..(its been a about a month) ...any advice?

(srry i didnt post this under reef discusion!!)

avbryce1 10-12-2006 01:54 PM

I would try to place the zoas in an area in the tank with a higher water flow.

jinenon 11-16-2006 11:23 PM

Why did you have the algea bloom and what kind of algea was it? Different minerals in your mixing water can cause a variety of mega blooms of unpreferred algea.

My zoo's are tanks, they open no matter how bad the water quality is. They just wont spread as fast if my nitrates are up.....

FragOutpost 11-17-2006 07:56 AM

Zoos are generally pretty tough animals and can usually withstand less than optimum conditions. If you are experiencing an algae bloom then you likely have elevated levels of nitrates and phosphates. Try to get these levels down and you should see your zoos recover. Are you using RO/DI water for water changes and top off?

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