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D12monkey 05-19-2005 05:41 PM

Any divers in the group?
Any divers out there? Or am I one of the few in here with the biggest tank in the world? :D

FragOutpost 05-19-2005 06:56 PM

I have never dived before, but plan on giving it a try within the next couple of years. I'm thinking about planning a trip to the Keys sometime.

Where do you dive at? Know of any good places near the Keys? What is the process involved in getting started? Roughly what does a basic dive setup and gear cost?

D12monkey 05-19-2005 08:59 PM

Well first off the minimum amount of gear that you would need is a mask, snorkel and fins. Most stores and facilities do not provide you with the basic equipment. The more expensive parts are usually provided with the class. But mainly you need to have a portion of academic classroom and a portion of in water training.

As far as purchasing of equipment the sky's the limit, just like our aquaria hobby. You can have a full set of equipment from the lower $600 to over $25,000 like some of the setups I have. It also depends on the type of diving that you are planning on doing. I just bought a dive light that cost me $4500. But I can use if for my underwater videography and night/cave diving.

I dive everywhere... From the Caves in northern Florida to the springs and Seas in lower Brazil. So where you dive isn't to much a factor but who you dive with is.

FragOutpost 05-19-2005 09:04 PM

Wow, I didn't realize you were such an avid diver.
Ever dive at Ginny Springs?

D12monkey 05-19-2005 09:57 PM

Well I have to be an avid diver. :D I'm a dive intructor. :p What kind of instructor would I be if I wasn't an avid diver? :confused:

D12monkey 05-19-2005 09:58 PM

And yes I've dove and dive ginnie springs at least 10 times a year.

FragOutpost 05-20-2005 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by D12monkey
Well I have to be an avid diver. I'm a dive intructor. What kind of instructor would I be if I wasn't an avid diver?

What I meant was that I didn't realize that you traveled to such exotic places like Brazil for diving. I figured that being a dive instructor in south FL that you did a lot of local diving, considering they wide array of places to dive in south FL.

:eek: $25,000 for dive equipment. And the wife thinks that the reef tank is expensive!:D Imagine the look on her face when I come home with a $4500 dive light. Better yet, imagine the look on my face while sleeping in the dog house after that! :D

FragOutpost 05-20-2005 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by D12monkey
And yes I've dove and dive ginnie springs at least 10 times a year.

Ginnie Springs is a great place to camp at. Though the springs are a chilly 72 degrees year round. I usually visit there once a year in late autumn. I have camped at numerous places along the Sante Fe River. Great place for kayaking as well.

D12monkey 05-20-2005 10:19 PM

agreed but it's even more gorgeous under water. :P Most of my diving is done locally. But it's nice to get away somethings. I log an average of 600 dives a year.

Jackfish 05-24-2005 07:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am also a avid diver, but conditions arnt the greatest up here in RI, I log about 200 a season. one memorable was to 65 feet for 46 mins, water temp 35 f. I use a dry suit most of the season.

most of the time up here vis is about 6 feet, rarely gets past 10 feet, the water warms to about 72 in late summer. the gulf stream carries tropical fish up here and I have in my reef tank 2 spot fin butterfly's that were hand caught. this year I hope to gather more spiecies. my cert level is dive master, asstitant Instructor. The pic is of me, and a pumkin in my right hand, we had a carving contest underwater :)

D12monkey 05-26-2005 03:54 PM

Nice setup... :D That dry suit's me next big purchase. :p Getting tired of placing layers upon layers of thick wetsuit to be able to support those long deco hangs in 68 degree water (during winter). 2 + hours at that temp.... Brrr. Get chills thinking about them hangs.

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